Effective Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting COVID-19 Outcomes from Chest Computed Tomography Volumes

Anthony Ortiz, Anusua Trivedi, Jocelyn Desbiens, Marian Blazes, Caleb Robinson, Sunil Gupta, Rahul Dodhia, Pavan Bhatraju, W Liles, Aaron Lee, Juan Ferres. "Effective Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting COVID-19 Outcomes from Chest Computed Tomography Volumes." Scientific Reports, 2022.


Cite as:

    author = "Ortiz, Anthony and Trivedi, Anusua and Desbiens, Jocelyn and Blazes, Marian and Robinson, Caleb and Gupta, Sunil and Dodhia, Rahul and Bhatraju, Pavan K and Liles, W Conrad and Lee, Aaron and Ferres, Juan M Lavista",
    title = "Effective Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting COVID-19 Outcomes from Chest Computed Tomography Volumes",
    journal = "Scientific Reports",
    volume = "12",
    number = "1",
    pages = "1716",
    year = "2022",
    publisher = "Nature Publishing Group UK London",
    url = "https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-05532-0"